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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Class Activity Practicum Journal

Implementing Core Competencies
of the Urban Teaching Professional


12-week Practicum
Monday 10/01/12 to Friday 12/21/12

Professional MISSION:

To obtain full competency in the core cultural, technological, instructional, professional, content knowledge (CTi-PCK) domains of the effective urban literacy educator -- for the purposes of improving the educational achievement of historically and currently underserved students, and advocating for equity and excellence in education for all urban learners. 

Project GOAL:

My goal is to examine and align theory with practice in urban teacher training for the purposes of furthering my own professional development and supporting and contributing to the scholarship of teaching. I seek to analyze and actively reflect on my urban residency practicum teaching experiences -- as they relate to the pedagogical theories and research offered in course study -- in order to identify key implications toward a practical Framework for Excellence in Urban Classroom Leadership.

Practicum Areas of Concentration

Triad I - Learners

Week 01. Learners and Learning
(Learning Environment)

Week 02. Instructional Practice

Week 03. Professional Responsibility
(Collaboration, Ethics and Relationships)

Week 04. Content
(Subject Matter)

Triad II - Learning

Week 05. Instructional Practice
(Planning Instruction)

Week 06. Content
(Subject Matter)

Week 07. Learners and Learning
(Student Learning, Diverse Learners)

Week 08. Professional Responsibility
(Collaboration, Ethics and Relationships)

Triad III - Teaching

Week 09. Instructional Practice 
(Instructional Strategies)

Week 10. Instructional Practice

Week 11. Professional Responsibility
(Reflection and Development)

Week 12. Professional Responsibility
(Reflection and Development)

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Practicum Experi

This site serves as summary notation of my student teaching practicum experience - and as a portfolio in evidence of having successfully met all requirements for the Metropolitan State University -


Urban Teacher Program - Urban Secondary Education Graduate Certificate - and recommendation for MN State teaching licensure in Communication Arts and Literature (Grades 5-12)