Monday 12/03/12 to Friday 12/07/12, 8:00 AM- 4:00 PM
Area of Concentration:
Specific SEPT Element: Communication
Communicating Success in Urban Schools
A teacher must demonstrate proficiency in all areas of communication -- including "interpersonal communications, linguistic theories, language development, presentation and discussion strategies and the role of language in learning." A teacher’s work must demonstrate "a cultivated awareness of the potential power of language in promoting self-expression, fostering identity development, and improving the academic achievement of culturally and linguistically diverse urban youth."
Specific SEPT Element: Communication
Communicating Success in Urban Schools
A teacher must demonstrate proficiency in all areas of communication -- including "interpersonal communications, linguistic theories, language development, presentation and discussion strategies and the role of language in learning." A teacher’s work must demonstrate "a cultivated awareness of the potential power of language in promoting self-expression, fostering identity development, and improving the academic achievement of culturally and linguistically diverse urban youth."
Of the communication proficiencies outlined in the MN state SEPT – this week has highlighted the following teacher requirements: know effective verbal, nonverbal, and media communication techniques; use effective communication strategies in conveying ideas and information and in asking questions; support and expand learner expression in speaking, writing, and other media; know how to ask questions and stimulate discussion in different ways for particular purposes; use a variety of media and educational technology to enrich learning opportunities; understand the power of language for fostering self-expression, identity development, and learning.
Critical Dispositions Matrix
This week’s experiences highlighted four critical dispositions related to Communication:
- Teacher is committed to exploring how the use of new and emerging technologies can support and promote student learning.
- Teacher appreciates how cultural differences can affect classroom communication.
- Teacher values the variety of ways people communicate and encourages learners to develop and use multiple forms of communication.
- Teacher values flexible learning environments that encourage learner exploration, discovery, and expression across content areas.
Culturally Responsive Framework
Four markers related to Culturally Responsive Teaching and Communication have been underscored by this week’s experiences:
- Communicate Success
- A respect-filled learning environment where all teachers and subjects "reflect a multicultural perspective"
- Instructional planning that accounts for multiple literacies and supports linguistic diversity
- Learning strategies that activate and celebrate cultural knowledge
Framework for Excellence in Urban Classroom Leadership:
- Expect excellence and reward it.
- Never engage in a power struggle with learners.
- Always be consistent with praise and discipline – and follow through with the appropriate consequences.
- Know how to ask questions and stimulate discussion in different ways for particular purposes.
- Use a variety of media and educational technology to enrich learning opportunities.